About us
This work is hard
Too often, it feels really difficult to be an agent of change. Addressing environmental breakdown or rising inequality can feel overwhelming. For so long now, we understand the problem, we see the solutions and we know the goals – simple really? Yet the pace and scale of change still doesn’t cut it.
So, what is required for us to really go after the greatest challenge the world has ever faced? Believing we can do it, having a diverse community to support and inspire us, and knowing more clearly our unique role to play, however big or small.
We recognise ‘activism’ works at all levels – within government, investors, business, and wider society. We know its mission critical that our inner activist needs to be nourished and taken care of, in order for us to go out in the world and do what needs to be done.
The journey is hard. The path is far from clear. For us to create a brave new world, we need to sense that we’re all in it together. This is what MovingBeyond is all about.

Our purpose
Our mission
Our role
1. Convenor
As neither business, government or local, MovingBeyond has a unique opportunity to bring people together from disparate groups to help ensure quality conversation and inspire meaningful action.
2. Facilitator
MB has a world-class design team with diverse backgrounds ranging from psychology, executive coaching, trauma informed leadership and experience design to help ensure the right conditions are in place to provide deep connections.
3. Catalyser
The MB network includes some of the biggest businesses in the world alongside thought leaders and change-makers in the climate space. By curating a potent mix of experts and influencers alongside grass-roots voices, we aim to create pathways for radical collaboration. Post event, attendees are invited to regular digital and in-person meet-ups to ensure continuity, and the MB team is on hand to support emerging projects.
Founding principles
- We are all equally committed to a sustainable future.
- No individual or organisation has the answer.
- Every voice is important.
- We always see the good in each other.
- Together we have the courage to take those important next steps.

Founding principles
Equality. We treat everyone with kindness. All attendees of MB are given the opportunity to share their views and aim to always support each other.
Diversity. We strive to have diverse voices represented in the room. We also prioritise attendees that have a relevant sphere of influence to enact change in their varied systems. Everyone has a critical role to play.
Respect. We aim to create a safe space for everyone to show up, deeply listen and connect, rather than point the finger.
Honesty. We are grounded in science and aim to communicate the truth about the climate crisis – we also want to engage with each other on an emotional and spiritual level.
Courage. We acknowledge that no individual or organisation has the answer but difficult decisions need to be made. We aim to show up with the courage and integrity needed to face these challenges together.